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    SOL4PACK: Provide solutions for your eco-design projects

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    SOL4PACK: Meet regulatory requirements and minimize your waste recycling charges

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    SOL4PACK: Benefit from an efficient, structured circular economy

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    SOL4PACK: Innovate for biosourced, recyclable and biodegradable packaging


Come and benefit from the expertise we have acquired in the world of renewable and recyclable packaging…

Are you ready to experience this industrial renewal with us?

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#CTP #E-Bliss #Citéo #InnovationPaper #Blister #New Specifications

Technical recommendations and target values for a translucent heat-sealing paper for a newspaper and magazine routing application.


#CTP # Recyclability #Pulping #Screening #Hydrocycloning

Initiated in 2007 and then constantly improved to bring it closer to the industrial conditions for recycling packaging, the CTP offers its latest development...


Our service offerings

Are you looking for technical and technological information and a state of the art review, with the aim of replacing packaging made from the currently used petroleum-based plastics with cellulose packaging?

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The CTP’s laboratories feature a wide range of standard laboratory equipment along with specific devices used for tests in relation to cellulose packaging. These laboratories are complemented by pilot resources enabling solutions to be tested quickly.

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Boosting the development of cellulose materials that comply with regulations and address social concerns is the key aim of the Sol4Pack platform. The CTP applies the wealth of knowledge it has acquired in the context of its collective research to assist industrial firms with their transition to alternative materials.

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Moving from prototype to industrial application is no small feat!
The main challenges/objectives are to:
- Adapt machine parameters to the new material.
- Maintain converting capability.
- Validate the performance levels obtained with downstream players.

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